You are allowed to get your username changed if you wish to start over with a new character or change your character's name. Starting over means creating/using a completely different character for the roleplay. You will lose ALL previous progress your previous character may have made. Simply changing your character's name means you will still be using the same character, just under a different alias/etc.
If you have any previous warnings, you can still change your username as long as it's for a reason stated above, but your old username will be written in the warnings section of your profile. This does not count as a warning in itself, but simply as a way to prevent people from assuming they can get away from their previous warnings with a simple username change.
As for ranks, you ARE allowed to ask for new ranks here. (The text under your username.) If you would like a rank change, say so and post what you would like your new rank to be below. Ranks should either have to do with sticks, your character, or... Por qué no los dos?
Toxicality to Toxic
Narwhal to Baobab
Qi to Fishguts
Trick to Mordant to Grin
Higgs to Inigo
Ironyz to Alou
DensetsuFrost to Frost